Striving to make life better for us all.

Welcome to Wirisr's Blog

I dedicated this blog toward my passion of entrepreneurship, science and finance. Hopefully this blog will inspire entrepreneurs to continue making differences and improve other people's life despite the overwhelming odds that small-and-medium enterprises face in this era."

- Wirisr Kulapongsphiwat


About Wirisr

Wirisr Kulapongsphiwat is an Indonesian born serial entrepreneur involved in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare and digital finance. As a pharmaceutical researcher and cosmeceutical manufacturer, Wirisr has a strong drive to make it easy for patients to obtain their medical needs with little or no financial needs.

Despite starting from scratch, Wirisr's group of companies now generates over 1 million USD annually and we're looking forward to IPO opportunities in the future,

“The pure desire to improve the life of the people around me is the primary force driving me toward my goal. The journey of entrepreneurship is lonely, only through self-love can we continue facing through this harsh journey toward where we want to be.”

- Wirisr Kulapongsphiwat

wirisr presenting cosmetic factory
wirisr presenting cosmetic factory

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